Sunday, September 27, 2015

Why aren't technology tools listed in the standards?

As you read the Common Core ELA standards, you may wonder why tool categories aren't listed in the standards?  You will find no reference to word processing, digital video, or blogs.  After viewing the image below, do you think the standards are too specific or too general?  Will they remain pertinent over time, as technologies develop?  How would you change them?

Thursday, September 17, 2015

How do young children cite their sources? A Word Worksheet

In your blogs, many of you tussled with the difference between copyright and plagiarism.  Remember these are two separate issues.  Copyright is solely about whether the USE qualifies as "fair."  Citing sources relates to license requirements (attribution in Creative Commons) and academic ethics.

You may be wondering, can young students cite their sources?  Yes!

Below are worksheets I made for  students to cite their sources in research projects that also include online and print research and digital projects that use digital media.  These Sources Pages work!  I have used them with hundreds of students.

I made these templates in Word.  Can you see the various features I used?

1st Grade
4th-5th Grade

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Pictures, Music, & Video - Better than Copyright!

What if my project doesn't qualify for fair use?  Where do I get my pictures, music and video?

I thought you'd never ask :)

Here is a symbaloo webmix of links with digital media that have licenses permitting more liberal use.  Perfect for fun videos, blogs, and presentations you want to publish on the web.

Check it out:

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Great Quotes of the Week

Your week 1 blogs were such a joy to read.  Here are some highlights of your insights. Comment on their thoughts...

"The differences that I have seen between myself and most of my teachers who are digital immigrants are that they pay attention to the small things about technology, and they take more time when working with it."

Jessica's Blog
"Even though people tend to believe that the older generation or the generation of our teachers is falling behind ours I don't believe this to be true."

Kristen's EME2040 Blog
"Watching teachers with a problem is always nerve-wracking because sometimes they start clicking random buttons and other times they call in reinforcements, even when it turns out to be nothing serious."

Karissa's Blog EME2040
"Technology is changing every day, and if you don't keep up with the advances, you will get lost in the past."

Becca's Blog
"In the chapter there were four challenges outlined: finances to provide educational technology, time to learn to use technology and teach about it, school culture allowing the technology, and the shift from teacher to facilitator of learning."

Elizabeth Bennet
"The added structure of regulated lesson plans and standards may seem redundant or boring but in reality, they add supportive structures to an otherwise hectic ideal."

Ashley Shaw - EME2040
"My main concern about teachers using technology in the classroom is that they are going to teach students how to use it instead of actually having them use it for an assignment."

Em's EME
"The difference between my teachers and myself is that they saw technology as an optional tool while I saw it as a necessary tool."